Eastr in my family 06.04.2024

Easter is one of the most favourite holidays in my family. We   celebrate   Easter   in  March   at  the 30th  or   31th. We  go to   church  and   come  home and  sit   at the  table   and  whole  family   celebrate    Eastr: Whit our family  we play  Easter  games.We  eat   fish,   eggs  and  we drink  red   wine.Our   family Continue reading Eastr in my family 06.04.2024

Shop assistant and Aren

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-ff4x0WmE4 Shop assistant: Hi there. Do you need any help? Aren: Hi. Er … I really like these buts . How much are they? Shop assistant: Oh … they’re $450. Aren: OK. Do you have them in a 38? Shop assistant: I’ll have a look for you. Aren: Thanks. Shop assistant: Oh … what colourContinue reading Shop assistant and Aren

Shop assistant and Customer

Shop assistant: Can I help you? Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours? Shop assistant: We’ve got it in white, green, blue and yellow. What size do you want? Customer: over size. Shop assistant: OK, in over  size   we’ve got bule  and yellow. Customer: And in green? Shop assistant: No, just blue and yellow.Continue reading Shop assistant and Customer